An overland journey from London to Cape Town via the Middle East in a 17 year old Toyota Landcruiser bought on Ebay!!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Greetings all, sorry for the delay... at the risk of boring you here is the news!

Spent some awesome days in Khartoum with Jav and Jasmin, one of the highlights was going to the camel market with Jav's cousins Tarik and Mohammed (sorry about the spellings) where we were treated to warm from the udder camel milk mixed with camel urine followed by an incredible meal of raw camel liver and cooked camel meat all in a tent.

We then reluctantly left a comfortable home where Javid and Jasmin had really spoilt us and headed to Ethiopia.

This is a beautiful country full of ancient Christian culture, the north has ancient monastries and castles galore, of which we enjoyed a few. Addis Ababa had a fantastic bustling market and a good museum. However, the main problem with Ethiopia starts with the greeting of 'you you you you you...' as you drive/walk/cycle past and a hand held out for gifts of course. The next greeting is 'give me pen/1 birr (local currency)/ bon bon' the next greeting is of the former two, maybe mixed together for some variety!

Once in the South you see traditional tribespeople which are fascinating - the most striking of which are the women who have plates the size of saucers in their lower lip! plus the wonderful beads and piercings aswell as tattoos on faces, done when they are 6years old.

Then onto the wild North of Kenya, the section of the trip we were most nervous about. There has been much banditry here by shiftas from Somalia and Ethiopia. So with our armed guard, Samson we set off along the very wet, very muddy road. I think we can safely say neither of us have been so scared driving in our lives - as the car danced up the road sometimes sideways with a beautiful drop into a valley on both sides!

We then spent a couple of days in Nairobi where we pigged out at Carnivore, adopted two elephants (one for us one for Space and Em - Happy Engagement guys) and Waller kissed a giraffe!

With the beach calling we headed south of Mombasa and spent a week camping on Tiwi beach, each day we visited the Good News Children's Home where Waller's mum sponsers a child. It was awesome to spend time with the kids and visit their school.

Next to the game park, Tsavo East, where we spent two days driving and saw giraffe, zebra, elephants, buffalo and at the last minute some Lions which was definitely a highlight for both of us.

We have now just arrived in Uganda, plan white water rafting tomorrow before heading to Kasese on the Congo border to the hospital and childrens home there.

Photos to follow when we find somewhere to download them - hope you haven't fallen asleep!


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