An overland journey from London to Cape Town via the Middle East in a 17 year old Toyota Landcruiser bought on Ebay!!

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Heidi getting some help with our kayak down to the Luapula River, Northern Zambia
Fishermen drying their nets on the banks of the Luapula, Northern Zambia

James fishing on the Luapula river, Mambalima, Zambia
The magnificent Lumangwe Falls, Northern Zambia
James clearing the road on our way to Lapupa Falls where the mass burning causes trees to fall down, Northern Zambia

Roadside deisel fill, Zambia
Benji and family Mwense, Zambia
James with his sleeping buddies Dee-dee and Biggles the cat Chimfunshi, Zambia

Sarah, Hans, Heidi, Gus, Cindy and James at Chimfunshi, Zambia
Billy the hippo comes to say hello Chimfunshi, Zambia

Rich, Heidi, Sarah and Colin enjoying the celebrations for Heidi's and Colin's birthdays Ndubaluba, Zambia

Walking towards Mount Sancha, Zambia
Heidi on her way up Mount Sancha, Zambia

Children at Sancha school with football from Rhian and Joel, Zambia


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